2g to 0g stretch help! (Swelling and tore ear) EDIT: BLOWOUT

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by powpowrawr » Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:44 am

So I felt that my ears were ready and decided to tape up to a 0g. Taped up eventually had .01-.03 mm to go (measured with a caliper) I decided to finish up that last bit of stretching with a 0g taper (8mm)and I went through with my left ear (tore at a 2g and downsized back then stretched back up) and it stretched and healed just fine, but my right ear (I thought was my good ear) tore. I've downsized and put my 2g tunnels back in. It pussed and bleed and is now swollen. The bleeding and puss stopped but the swelling is still there, it doesn't hurt when I touch it but it's still tender. Is there anything else I should do beside SSS?

P.S. I guess the moral of this is that even when you feel like your ready even your "good" ear can shit out on you, and that waiting is probably the best thing you can do for you ears.

EDIT: AND I'm gonna keep my 0g in on my left but I'm planning on going to 1g for my right ear when it's ready again.

EDIT #2: Ugh swelling went down and I realized that I have a blowout. Its a mini blowout, also I'm thinking I have an infection. Fuck I'm so bummed out. I'm considering giving up stretching. ugh.
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by powpowrawr » Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:08 pm

Well guys I'm just gonna start over on stretching. It sucks but I wanna do it right this time around and try and make this blow out go away. I probably wont be on this forum anymore either, not as active as I thought it was. Anyways I hope you guys wont have to go through this either and actually take the advice of stretching slow cause one little mess up like this can ruin all the money and work you put into stretching your ears. Peace.
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by corazon_de_oro » Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:02 pm

That's too bad. :( Sounds like you did the right thing by downsizing and doing sea salt soaks, though. I don't think you'd have to start over, going down just a couple sizes in the ear with the blowout would be fine. And you'll probably find that it'll stretch back up a lot easier the second time.

Good luck, I hope you get everything sorted out and healed up quickly! And going to 1G is a great idea, it makes things sooooo much easier.
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I have 1/2" lobes and 11 piercings: left helix x2, both conches, both nostrils, septum, navel, and VCH.
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by powpowrawr » Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:03 pm

Hey Lindsay, yeah it kinda sucks but I'm happy it happened cause I thought it could never happen to me and it could be worse at a larger size. I decided to go naked for a few months, the blow out is slowly getting reabsorbed so I'm loooving the results :) stretched ears is supposed to represent patience and wisdom and I had none of that so this time around I'm gonna work on my patience. And yes I'm totally stopping at a 1g for sure this next time. I'll keep ya updated :)
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