Tapers Sliding Off?

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by Vanity.Bliss » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:13 am

I Know You Shouldn't wear Tapers, but I Do and These Shizz Keep Sliding Off. Does that Mean I Needa Get Plugs?
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by JohnnyQuest » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:09 pm

Tapers aren't a long term solution, but I do find it helpful to wear them for a bit of time, most I've worn mine was a day though, but if your having trouble getting jewelry in, I would just wear the tapers for a bit longer. You want to wear something though, to keep your hole from getting smaller and interrupting the healing process. It's highly recommended you wear single or no flared surgical stainless steel, glass, or pyrex plugs while healing, I know stainless steel keeps infections and bacteria off the jewelry, I believe glass and pyrex do as well, but am too lazy to do a Google search. As far as your tapers sliding off, were they easy to get in to begin with? Have you been wearing them a while? How are your ears healing?
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by corazon_de_oro » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:16 pm

What do you mean by sliding off? Are you not using o-rings with them?

Definitely get some plugs and don't wear tapers as jewelry in the future... they put pressure on your ears that can cause a blowout and they can get into weird positions while you sleep and really mess up your ears.
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