healing up a scar

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by mcdavid » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:49 am

So I had 1/2 in my ear about a year ago and had hit my left lobe on a rock and it caused the bottom of my ear to split I took them out let them heal and am currently back at 7/16 bit the bottom ofmy lobe is scared. Its a bit thin and can't really tell much now but I'm scared when I get around the one inch range this might cause a issue. Will a scara oil thickin up my lobe even if it is scar tissue?
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by ast.riske » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:33 pm

Hm, i am assuming your love didn't tear through. Honestly, it would be really helpful to have a picture. That said, it sounds like something you may not be able to resolve for yourself. You can try downsizing and massages, but without knowing how much of your lobe is scarred, it's hard to say how well you'll do. I would strongly suggest seeing a very good piercer/mod artist to see what they have to say. I suggest this because there are some artists who can do miracle work on lobes, right up to minor surgery.

Anyway, if you could post a photo it would be a great start. Preferably without jewelry so we can see the whole lobe.
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2g Lobes
6g Septum

Frenulum Linguae
Left inner conch
Right helix
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