Hi could you guys help me please!? :D

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by wezmaster » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:52 pm

Hi, i haven't been expanding long, so i don't have much experience, i have a 10mm expander and i used tapers.

When i reached 10mm, i started putting in plugs and tunnels, (i used tapers before)once i started putting in plugs and stuff i noticed alot of dryness, and then a few days later my ear was wet,there was like a clear liquid coming from the hole it didn't smell bad or anything, a day or 2 later and it has became scabby and a little tender, what do i do to get rid of this problem???

Thank you.
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by wezmaster » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:25 pm

Hi, their not wooden, i was using plastic spikes or tapers, and when i put the plugs in they were plastic and i used a metal one also, so i should get some neosporin and alcohol wipes and clean it twice a day? what if there is no neosporin is their anything else i can use (just i have never heard of it :D)

Thank you very much :D
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by wezmaster » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:46 pm

Oh okay cool thank you :), and im in UK for the record haha, Thanks again.
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by wezmaster » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:06 am

So what could have caused this to happen?
I thought maybe with the O rings being too tight, it like stoped it from getting any air? and then like sweat and stuff caused infection?
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by wezmaster » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:01 am

okay, thank you very much for your help :D
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by greeneyedbabe€ » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:19 am

This does not exactly mean you have an infection....ears produce lymph really any piercing does, it can be thin or thick just depending on your body and if it isn't cleaned daily can cause crusties. Usually when there is an infection your lobes would be red, swollen and hot to the touch, do you have any of those symptoms? If not than its probably not an infection. Your ears should be cleaned twice daily. SSS(sea salt soaks) are your friend and you should do each lobe 1/4th teaspoon to every 1 cup of warm water. Never ever use alcohol or peroxide, even though they are used for other cleansing methods( scrapes and cuts) your ears shouldn't have any open flesh wounds, if there are then you may have ripped your lobes and should probably downsize. When you are into your second or so week you could probably start oil massages using vit e, jojoba, emu oil or holey butter(not correct spelling), do your soaks with the jewlery in, and when you shower you can remover your plugs for a little bit and wash your lobes with your usual soap......I think I got most of it but if I missed something the others will hopefully catch anything I missed.

But I honestly doubt you have an infection!
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