Not so new to stretching..

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by Chasity » Sat Jul 17, 2010 2:37 am

I've stretched from a 20g to an 8g[slowly, of course..not jumping]. Which is what I am at at the moment.
I was reading the guide here, and was wondering something;
To let your ears 'relax', it's stated you should take out your plugs for a few hours.
What if your lobe shrinks up while you're letting them relax? Are you supposed to just taper it back to the gauge it was in the beginning?
I want my ears to be as healthy as possible, because I don't know where my stretching journey is going to end.
I'm really just doing this to piss my job off..since we're not allowed to have more than one earring per ear[even though I've already broke that rule]..I'm stretching my ears until they fire me. ;P
But don't get me wrong, I lovelovelove the look of stretched ears. (:

So yeah, anyone cool enough to answer my question; much thanks in advance. n.n

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by xFLAPJACKx » Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:36 am

Doing it to get fired is kinda... well yeah im gonna go ahead and say what most people probably think about this, it is stupid. If you want to stretch your ears do it for a purpose. I stretch my ears cause it helps me some people collect stamps some people play the lottery, i stretch my ear lobes and I love it I dont do it to piss someone off my ear lobes in my opinion are astetically (Dont quote me on that spelling) and spiritually apealing, Stretching my ears has increased my creativity and allowed me to come out of my shell socially I used to be very sad and depressed but thanks to my facination with body modification I never have a bad day... Please dont do this just to get fired. Please do this for a purpose.
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by Chasity » Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:53 am

Ugh, your reply really didn't answer my question, thanks.
I'm not really doing it to get fired. I thought it was kind of obvious I was kidding when I put a wink beside the sentence.

I didn't come here to be criticized on what I'm doing my stretching for.
I came here for an answer to my question.
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by xFLAPJACKx » Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:10 am

Depends a fresh stretch will close up quicker i whould not keep those out for long, i kept mine out at that size for a couple minutes at most to clean, if it is completly healed you can take them out for a couple of hours and they will only close up a bit... your gonna have resistance tho putting them back in but it shouldnt be too bad
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by xFLAPJACKx » Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:11 am

And emote-o-cons are my taint.
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by Chasity » Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:23 am

Ah, that was what I was looking for.
They've been at an 8g for a couple of weeks now.
I've yet to have kept them out for any period of time longer than to just clean them off a bit in the shower.

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by Boffey » Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:28 am

If youve only been at the size for say, 1 or 2 weeks. You will probably struggle to get your plug back in after an hour or so.
The longer youve been at the size, it should get easier. If you get me.
Left Lobe 12mm
Left Rook
Right Helix

Right Lobe 12mm
Seccond Right Helix
Left side lower lip

o, and im Alex by the way :)
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