Something really weird happened...advice?

Discuss all things ear stretching

by seaofcuntz » Fri Aug 10, 2012 9:43 pm

Okay, so first I should inform you that I've been stretching my ears for about five years now. I've been very careful and I use jojoba oil pretty much everyday on my lobes.

Well one day, I finally made it to my second goal size of 7/8 on my non problem ear. my problem ear is still at 3/4 until I feel comfortable enough to stretch it. So anyways my non problem ear, that is at 7/8, I leave alone for about a month.

Well one day, I take a nap and when I wake up, my stone plug had slipped out in my sleep and I notice that my ear is really swollen and warm. I honestly don't know what happen and I'm not sure what to do and it's really upsetting because of all the hard work I had to do to get to this size.

It's been like this for about two weeks now. I put ice on it, do sea salt soaks and rub the oil on it like every day. my hole looks like its at 5/16" now :( I don't understand how this could have happened, but I have a strong feeling it's because of me leaving my plug in. Has this happened to anyone before? Do you have an advice on what I should do? Should I see a doctor?
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by bradykay90 » Fri Aug 10, 2012 10:05 pm

Ive never had anything happen like this but im only at 10mm. But when i sleep i n non flares with o rings or screw on tunnels so this pitcualary matter doesnt happen. U seem to be on the right track as for care. My only guess is that u might have pulled it out while sleeping. I have a habit of doing it myself when im asleep thats y i dont wear single or double flares while im asleep anyways. Somebody on here proble can help u more then me.
My left lobe is 1/2" my right is 00g.
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by Evlesoa » Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:01 pm

Simple. An irritated or inflamed ear will shrink very fast. Nothing wrong with that, but it's possible for an ear to shrink great amounts in several hours. The absorption rate of collagen is quicker than the creation of it (absorbing is simpler than creating). Sounds like it could be infected. I've never had that happen to me in my lobes, but have had it where my cartilage piercing would fall out (it was a retainer) and causes soreness and all kinds of nasty shit in the morning. I wouldn't see a doc till it gets really swollen and or purulent. Or, if it aches like a motherfker, then go see a doc.
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