Post Earring for 6 months??

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by Hybrid » Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:23 am

Well I got my ear pierced by a gun, and I'm guessing its around an 18g maybe a little bigger. They told me that I need to wear a post earring for 6 months after i got it pierced. Is this true or can I get a 18g captive ring to wear until my ear heals enough to stretch.
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by corazon_de_oro » Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:00 am

Well I wouldn't take the advice of anyone who uses a gun, haha. But if you want to wear CBRs you should be fine after 6-8 weeks. Just make sure you don't start stretching for about six months, especially because guns cause a lot more damage than a needle.
I'm Lindsay.
I have 1/2" lobes and 11 piercings: left helix x2, both conches, both nostrils, septum, navel, and VCH.
My lobes are small but I know a lot about stretching and how to do it safely, so message me if you have any questions!
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by Starfire » Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:59 am

Listen to your body. If your ears don't feel overly sore, you should be fine to put something new in there. I'd suggest a circular barbell rather than a captive, because the balls can be very hard to put in on captives and you could really hurt yourself, especially if you're trying to get it in a newish piercing. Definitely wait at least a few weeks before you try any of this, but 6 months sounds very excessive to me.
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by Hardware » Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:30 am

It's true that Captive Bead Rings can be difficult for a 'first timer' to figure out, but threading on a externally threaded Circular Barbell can tear up the delicate tissue inside the ear and cause damage as well. I personally advise people to become familiar with their body jewelry before attempting to insert it themselves or go to a piercer and ask them to put the jewelry in. :)
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by Starfire » Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:00 am

Good point about the threading, I should have mentioned that.
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